Our Programmes


BSYW have been taking assemblies in schools across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre since 1995. We explore the Bible, God and Jesus, what we believe as Christians and discuss social, moral and current issues.

We endeavour to keep our assemblies upbeat, fun and visual, including and interacting with all pupils and leaving them with something to think about.

As we approach Easter in this 2nd half of the Spring Term, we use Tin Can phones (remember them?), to explore how we communicate with each other and with God. We explain the Gospel message, and why God sent Jesus.


These operate on a rotation based on the six half-terms of the school year.

Spring 2 – Year 5 – Easter


Considering key Christian concepts such as The Fall, Salvation, Resurrection, and Reconciliation.

The children investigate the Bible to discover what Christians believe about how Jesus saves human beings. They will also explore what the Bible tells us about The Resurrection and consider how important it is to the Christian faith that Jesus came back to life after His Crucifixion.

Teaching takes place in the classroom with videos, quizzes and interactive learning.

Summer 1 – Year 4 – Diary of a Disciple

‘Diary of a Disciple’ is a Scripture Union publication, and is a re-telling of Lukes Gospel in a quirky, contemporary, accessible style for children aged 8 – 11 years old.

This workshop is interactive and includes up-front delivery, group work, media, quizzes, craft, drama and puzzles which creates a buzz and excitement around learning more about the Bible.

Summer 2 – Year 6 – It’s Your Move

The Scripture Union publication ‘Its Your Move’ is a Survival Guide which aims to help young people make the transition from primary to secondary school.

Each child receives their own copy free of charge.

The booklet offers lots of practical advice and useful information about issues young people face and the fun interactive Workshop helps to reassure them that God is with them as they face the challenge of a new school and to know that God wants to help them make the right choices.

Autumn 1 – Year 1An Introduction to God, Jesus and the Bible

A fast-paced interactive fun Workshop with stories, songs and a little bit of ‘magic’

Introducing young children to the Holy Bible as Gods special book and its importance to Christians.

Exploring the basics of what Christians believe regarding an all-powerful, creator God who sent His Son Jesus to demonstrate how much God loves us.

Autumn 2 – Year 2 – Christmas Journey

A free multimedia presentation for young children.

The BSYW Team arrive in school and set up 3 huge gazebos and then proceed to transform the school hall into Bethlehem and the 5 scenes of the Nativity Story.

The children are led in small groups on a journey, firstly to an Introduction explaining why God sent His Son Jesus, then they move on to visit Mary’s Kitchen, the Shepherds on the hillside, Baby Jesus in the Stable, the Wise Man in the Palace and finally it’s all brought together with modern day Christmas celebrations.

Autumn 2 – Year 5Christmas

Based on the Christian belief of Incarnation, that God became man in Jesus Christ.

Designed to correspond with Year 5 RE curriculum.

The topics are –

  • Why do Christians believe that Jesus was sent into the world.
  • The birth of Jesus in John’s Gospel.
  • The birth of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel.

Storyboard activity and writing frame to accompany each session and help children reflect on their findings.

Spring 1 – Year 3Christian Baptism

To correspond with the RE curriculum on Christianity with links to ‘Called by God’ (John the Baptist) ‘Miracles’ and ‘Trinity’ (Baptism of Jesus)

For this Workshop schools have the option of visiting a local church with a baptismal pool to give a hands-on understanding of Christian Baptism or a one-off session in the classroom with videos and interactive learning.